Hijo de José Martinez
Somalo, S.L. 

Hijo de José Martinez Somalo, S.L.
Plaza mayor, 1
26320 Baños del Río Tobía
La Rioja
Contact: Elena Martínez
Phone: +34 941 375 030
Website: www.martinezsomalo.com
About us
- Since 1900
- More than 100 years of the “Gloria Riojana” brand, producing Serrano ham from the best raw materials in a unique region.
- The oldest brand of cured Spanish ham in Spain, where the recipe for making Serrano ham has been handed down from generation to generation.
- Social Responsibility: cooperation with different entities and associations.
- Serrano ham curing and processing plant in Baños de Río Tobía (La Rioja).
- We export Serrano ham to more than 30 countries.