Cárnicas Serrano, S.L. 

Cárnicas Serrano, S.L.
Villa de Madrid, 45
46988, Fuente del Jarro, Paterna
Contact: Carlos Saiz
Phone: +34 961 341 112
Website: www.cserrano.com
About us
- Since 1959
- More than 60 years of growth and evolution in Serrano ham for a balanced diet and healthy life.
- Innovation in Spanish ham geared towards pleasure, convenience and flavour.
- More than 11,000 m2 of space for the production of Serrano ham in Fuente del Jarro, Paterna.
- Well-known brand of Serrano ham in the main European distribution channels.
- Corporate Social Responsibility in two areas: solidarity and promotion of sport.
- Serrano ham exported to more than 40 countries.