News about Consorcio Serrano
5 May, 2016 | About Consorcio Serrano
2016 has started showing the leading position of our company in the sector, due to the increase in the number of sealed hams by 10.25% over the same period of 2015, for the first t
11 February, 2016 | About Consorcio Serrano
In the month of April, from 25 to 28, our organisation is going to be present again in the most important food fair in Spain, Alimentaria. This time, our goal is to strengthen our
8 February, 2016 | About Consorcio Serrano
2015 was a very important year for our organisation, we celebrated our 25 years anniversary reaffirming our position as a referent in the sector. The incorporation of 7 new members
23 September, 2015 | About Consorcio Serrano
Next week, Consorcio Serrano visits Mexico to continue with the promotion actions that were foreseen for 2015. The trip will consist of several informative and business activities
15 September, 2015 | Fairs & Events
From the 10th to the 14th of October, the German city of Cologne will become the centre of attention of the F&B sector, as it will be holding the most important biennial fair i
27 April, 2015 | About Serrano Ham
Once again, the cured hams sector has led to an increase in consumption in foreign markets, specifically 10.20% according to the AEAT, which consolidates the growth trend in Spanis