The 1st Conference of Export Dialogues of DJSE showed the importance of these internal meetings to consolidate teamwork and the value that the Consorcio Serrano brand brings us abroad.
Anna Bosch Güell, president of our organization and general director of Noel Alimentaria, opened the meeting and said that “this day brings greater value to companies and offers a unique opportunity to interact among all of us”.
Our director of marketing and promotion, Miguel Ángel García Bravo, was in charge of presenting the program of the conference, establishing that the objective was to raise awareness of the values and culture of the CJSE and to encourage dialogue between the partners. Then, Pedro Rodríguez-Marín, our technical director, briefly summarized the history of our entity, explaining that it was in 1990 when it was born by entrepreneurial initiative, with an exclusive quality standard and a pioneer in the sector. In addition, he emphasized the great difference of CJSE that is based on the selection piece by piece.
After his speech, our director of marketing and promotion summarized the promotion plans planned for this year, noting that 70% of the sales of the Consorcio Serrano Ham are in the France, Germany, Belgium and Netherlands. On the other hand, Miguel Ángel commented on the new strategic lines that are being developed in the Promotion area of the CJSE, adding that, so far this year, the Consorcio Serrano label is obtaining growth of around 10%, which represents both the recognition of the Consorcio Serrano brand in foreign markets as the commitment of all of us for the CJSE.
The international marketing consultant and specialist in development of consortiums at the international level, Nicola Minervini, was in charge of closing the day analyzing the importance of the consortiums. “It is a school to learn to be competitive,” he said at the beginning of his speech, which also explained that these entities are generating excellent services and its main advantage is the ability to share experiences among members.
To end the day, at the round table “Dialogues of the Consortium”, various partners of our entity shared their experience and explained the benefits obtained thanks to the Consorcio Serrano quality seal. After its celebration, our president thanked everyone for attending and encouraged them to meet again.